Monday, June 13, 2016

Weekly Update June 5 - 11

The Week in Review 

One week into residency and already a day late getting this written -- at least you guys know what to expect.

Before I delve into talking about my week this week, I wanted to take a second to talk about the incredible tragedy that happened in Orlando a few days ago. I've spent a long time trying to get together the words to talk about how I feel -- but I just don't have them. There are no words for the incredible loss each and every one of those 50 families must be feeling right now. There are no words for the loss of a friend, child, spouse.

I cannot find the words because they do not exist.

I cannot find the words to say to my friends and loved ones who are members of the LGBTQ community. There are no words for the fear that someone could take your life out of hatred. There are no words to realize that for every step forward there are still steps back.

My heart breaks for the families and friends who will never get to hold the person they love again. I have watched people die in the ER from gunshot wounds. I have seen young people bleed out as doctors and nurses fought to save their lives. I have seen families fall to the floor as the news is given to them of life cut short too soon.

I have no words for the loss any family must feel for a loved one lost to violence.

I do not have words to say to those families. And one day, it may be me, in the ER giving the news to a family who will bury a loved one lost to violence -- I hope on that day I do have something to say. But even more than that -- I hope I never have to have something to say -- I hope the violence stops.


This was my first week as an official resident physician. I have a long white coat and a badge hanging next to my door. But none of it feels real. I know that I am less than 7 days away from my first shift and that thought terrifies me.

I've met so many new people in the last week that it will take me weeks to sort out all the names and faces. For someone who's not particularly good at meeting new people and not adept at social interaction, the endless social events and small talk has been tiring! I'm trying really hard to be more outgoing and social, but it's always a relief at the end of the day to come home and be relieved of the need to be extraverted for hours!! I am much better at talking to people in professional situations -- social situations are much harder for me. Is there a secret I could learn? No. Just practice. Fine.

We're two weeks away from Sweetheart being here for his away rotation! I am already planning a couple of fun things for us to do on days off, but mostly we're looking at just being excited to share five minutes together at the end of the day when we're both exhausted from work. Being a two doctor household means that "couple time" has a whole different meaning!! Haha.

The Week in Photos 

flower delivery from Sweetheart / long white coat / brunch with new lady interns / hair bow / reading about vascular surgery 

Mostly I'm reading about ATLS right now.... but I'm still reading a couple pages of Carry On by Rainbow Rowell every night. It's an excellent fun book very reminiscent of Harry Potter. 

I've been listening to a lot of spotify playlists that are for "focus". I haven't identified anything particular that I can recommend because mostly it's just playing in the background! 

3 Things
  • Programable coffee makers are a MUST for anyone starting residency. Nothing like hearing the coffee brewing when you're waking up. 
  • There was an incredible rain and lightning storm for the last couple hours, but now it's clearing and the clouds are perfect purple and pink. I tried to take a picture... but the colors just aren't turning out right, so you'll have to take my word for it. 
  • I found kale pesto hummus at whole foods yesterday and have eaten almost the whole container in 24 hours... this is dangerous
Loving from Around the Internet 
Since I've been so obsessed with make ahead meals the last two weeks, I've been thinking about trying this Blueberry Coconut Baked Oatmeal for a quick breakfast! Anyone tried baked oatmeal before? 


  1. haha.. on couples time during medschool/residency: there was a month where I was on surgery and husband-dude was on internal medicine... we were going on 48 hours of opposite shifts / not seeing each other & then suddenly he was getting on an elevator I was getting off!! lol, It's amazing how a quick HI & a hug made the rest of the shift go by much easier.

  2. While I've never made baked oatmeal, I recently found a recipe for oatmeal soufflé that was a big hit and reheated well. Plus it has more protein than regular oatmeal.
