MD. None of it's real to me yet.
Have any of you had the experience of running on a treadmill very fast for a very long distance? When you step off, standing still seems strange, as though the world is still moving underneath your feet.
The last four years have been a very long treadmill run, moving my feet as fast as I can to keep from falling off. Suddenly, the constant stream of days has stopped and I'm taking a step forward on solid ground. It feels... strange.
The last four years would not have happened if not for a great many wonderful people in my life: my parents, my brother, my amazing fiance, my friends, the list goes on. Someone told me very early on in my medical career that it takes a village to make a doctor. It was certainly true for this doctor. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my village.
The next few weeks are going to move very quickly. By the time I write to you next week, I'll be about to leave the country to travel with my brother for a quick last hoorah before I actually use those two letters that are just hanging out behind my name now.
I just have one question: when does it start feeling real? Does it ever?
The Week in Photos
graduation / friend's cake / officially MD snaps / all the graduation pictures / amazing cheesecake / date night
In the process of moving you find a great many things, including the fact that I had scribbled the name of Gregory Alan Isakov on a piece of paper and shoved in into a desk drawer years ago. Rediscovering his name lead to quite the binge session over the last few days.
Moving is an incredibly labor intensive process (can you believe you have to individually wrap all your fragile things? - aye). So I'm still reading Mount Misery. And by still reading, I think that means I've read all of 10 pages since last week.
3 Things
- Nothing will make you want to throw away everything you own and start over like trying to pack everything you own into boxes.
- We're down to quite the skeleton crew in the kitchen, leading to a lot of simple trader joe's meals.
- Did I mention someone made me a doctor on Friday?
Loving from Around the Internet
I've read this article before. It's been sent to me a dozen times by different friends or family members outside the medical profession, usually with the email subject line "is it really like this?". Well, I guess I'll be answering that question really soon.
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